Life coaching is a powerful process that can help you gain clarity, set goals, and take action towards achieving your dreams. The effectiveness of coaching often hinges on asking the right questions. Here are ten of the most powerful life coaching questions I use that can facilitate deep reflection and transformation.
What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
This question helps you to articulate your deepest desires and long-term goals.
What are your ten year, five year, one year, one month, one week, today goals?
Many of us overestimate what we can achieve in a year and underestimate what we can achieve in ten years.
What’s stopping you from achieving your goals? Or put another way… What’s present in your life that needs to be missing?
Identifying obstacles and internal barriers is crucial for developing strategies to overcome them.
What’s missing in your life that needs to be present?
This could be the catalyst that changes everything.
If you couldn’t fail what would you do?
This is from Tony Robbins and is one of my favourites.
Is this belief helpful?
From John Grinder co-founder of NLP. Beliefs are nothing more than assumptions we hold to be true. By questioning them we expose them for what they really are.
The last four in my top ten are known as the Cartesian Questions, a set of four powerful questions used in coaching to help you explore your goals, motivations, and the potential consequences of your actions. These questions encourage a thorough examination of both positive and negative aspects of a situation.
What will happen if you do [this]?
Explores the potential positive outcomes and benefits of taking a particular action.
What will happen if you don’t do [this]?
Examines the potential negative consequences and missed opportunities if the action is not taken.
What won’t happen if you do [this]?
Considers what potential problems or issues might be avoided by taking the action.
What won’t happen if you don’t do [this]?
Explores what will remain the same, including any current benefits or comforts, if the action is not taken.
Coaching is designed to ‘shift’ you towards achieving, towards action and most importantly towards results. By shifting you unlock potential, passion and purpose, that will facilitate and guide you towards what you see as the best version of you.
Everyone has a different reason for seeing a life coach – in the last month alone I have helped clients deal with issues such as: Anxiety, Habit Change, Motivation, Self-Development, Limiting Beliefs, Imposter Syndrome, Catastrophising, Self-doubt, Perfectionism, Victim Mentality, Procrastination, Comparing Yourself, Negative Self-talk, Over Generalisation, Pessimism, Rumination, Fear of Change and FOMO.
Helping move them towards: Mindfulness, Optimism, Self-Awareness, Open Mindedness, Self-Discipline, Self-belief, Purpose Driven, Consistency, Goal Orientation, Resilience, Gratitude and Compassion.
I’ve been coaching, mentoring and leading for 30+ yrs. Leading is great for affecting change, and mentoring is great for giving advice, but coaching is where my real passion lies. This is because when I coach I help clients move towards achieving, towards action and most importantly towards results.
I’ve seen many people flourish and thrive through coaching, become unstuck through coaching and achieve goals they never thought possible.
Coaching gets you results. You make progress and most importantly you become a better you! Everyone benefits from a better you but most importantly you benefit.
Please contact me if you would like to find out more about life coaching and book a coaching chemistry session with me. Book a Coaching Chemistry Call https://calendly.com/9kmby9am/30minchemistrysession
- Diploma in Positive Psychology Coaching – fully trained and qualified coach with the internationally recognised, double accredited, International Coaching Federation and Association for Coaching, AreteWay Coaching Course
- Accredited Sober Coach, awarded by AreteWay Coach
- Accredited Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Professional Member of The Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Power Of Awareness, University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and the Awareness Training Institute
- Shinrin Yoku Diploma (Distinction), Centre of Excellence
- A graduate of the London School of Economics, University of London
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NLP Coaching – https://www.9kmby9am.com/coaching/nlp/
Reroot Yourself – https://www.9kmby9am.com/coaching/rerootyourself/
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