800 days ago I started my journey along the path of alcohol-free living and, hand on heart, I’ve never looked back.
The big question I asked myself at the beginning, to which I discovered the answer, was “Who am I?”
A Zen teaching that helped me shine a light on the way to finding out the answer is the parable of the poor man, which says:
‘Under the floor of some poor man’s house lies a treasure. But because he does not know of its existence, he does not think he is rich. Similarly, inside one man’s mind lies truth itself, firm and unfading. Yet because beings see it not, they experience a constant stream of misery. The treasure of truth lies within the house of the mind.’
It was a WOW moment for me. A realisation that the answer to all my life’s problems is within me. True happiness and contentment are not a bigger house or a faster car, or a holiday on a tropical island. The treasure of true happiness had been sitting in my mind since birth. I just did not know where to look.
With the wisdom gained through thousand-year-old Eastern and Western philosophies, together with a new-found appreciation of the natural world around me, I was propelled along my alcohol-free pathway. I was gaining a clearer understanding of who I am; how the human mind works; a more balanced view of my life; and the drive to challenge myself to do extraordinary things.
Wisdom and learning, and using the knowledge I gain to give back, are a central part of my core values.
The internal superpower I unleashed by becoming alcohol-free created a huge thirst to learn more about science, religion, philosophy, spiritualism. In fact, to learn about anything that would improve my well-being and my understanding of who I am, why I’m here and the meaning of life.
When I was drinking, I never really gave the meaning of my life a great deal of thought, mainly because I was stuck on the hamster wheel, locked into the Groundhog Day existence, with a few ‘relaxing’ drinks to look forward to every night!
I simply did not have time, as this was earmarked, or dog-eared, for drinking. And drinking alcohol makes you non-present.
Being alcohol-free means that I now have an abundance of time to read and practise what I learn. It helps improve my well-being and allows me to break through the glass ceiling that keeps so many on the alcohol-living wheel all their lives.
My book Walking Back To Happiness The Secret To Alcohol-free Living & Well-being shows you how I found happiness and well-being and how you can to. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nigel-Jones/e/B0B7RP6LH6/
Step 1 – But my book 🙂
Step 2 – Read it 🙂
Step 3 – Enjoy your life 🙂
If you are interested in self-development, habit change or of taking a break from alcohol then book a coaching Discovery Call with me. https://calendly.com/9kmby9am/30minchemistrysession
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Website – www.9kmby9am.com
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Book a Coaching Discovery Call https://calendly.com/9kmby9am/30minchemistrysession
Author Page – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nigel-Jones/e/B0B7RP6LH6/
Paperback https://amzn.eu/d/573olDm
Hardcover https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/191514731X/
Kindle / eBook https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B7QVJP2M/
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