If you’re going to take the island you must burn the boats that got you there.
This is such a powerful metaphor for anyone determined to change a part of their life, such as moving house, leaving a relationship, stopping bad habits or learning new skills and changing career.
In the year 1519, Hernán Cortés arrived in the “New World” with 600 men, and upon arrival, made history by “burning his ships.” This sent a clear message to his men. There is no turning back! Two years later, he succeeded in his complete conquest of the Aztec empire.
The story shows that by burning bridges or eliminating retreat options you can achieve success in challenging situations.
For Cortés burning the boats, destroyed all possible ways of going back. He was ‘All In’. This is a poker term for putting all your money on your hand because you firmly believe you will win the game. ‘All In’ is what it says – it is not 50%, 70% and 99%. It’s 100%. You are prepared to give all your energy to achieving the goal.
If you really think about it, there is no difference between being 50% committed and 99% committed. In both scenarios, you are not fully committed and still open to possible failure.
When you’re ‘All In’, you are fully committed. When this happens, everything becomes much easier. You can only focus on winning as there is no other option.
Cortés’ action symbolised the determination and resolve to succeed at all costs, as there was no option of retreat or surrender.
To change a habit, like drinking alcohol, you must burn the boats that could take you back.
Walking Back To Happiness: The Secret To Alcohol-Free Living & Well-Being shows you how I changed my story and found happiness and well-being and how you can to. Packed with over 70 exercises or steps you can take to improve your well-being and happiness, it’s a blueprint of how to live your best life! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nigel-Jones/e/B0B7RP6LH6/
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